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Health and Safety Policy Statement





Type of Organization: 


Limited Liable Company         [Yes]


Public Ltd Company



Director or partner responsible for health and safety:   Li Huan Wu


The company attaches great importance to health and safety matters and accepts the responsibility to carry out its operations to ensure that as far as practically possible that staff, visitors nor customers shall be exposed to risks to their health and safety. All activities at the company premises shall be carried out with the highest regard for the health and safety of staff, visitors and customers.

The Responsibilities of the Company

The company will make every practical effort to comply with the obligations laid down under the Health and Safety at Work. In particular by:

a) Providing a safe workplace with safe access to and from the premises and a healthy working

b) Providing safe and healthy systems of work by taking all practical steps to ensure that all
plant, machinery and equipment is designed, constructed and operated in a safe manner,
including the provision of appropriate protective equipment and clothing.

c) Providing safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles.

d) By giving instruction, training, supervision and information to enable all employees to carry
out their duties in safety and to actively contribute to the safety within the organization;

e) Providing first aid facilities and training;

f) Consulting staff about arrangements for implementing, promoting and developing health
and safety at work.

The Company will use their best endeavors to:

a) Ensure that this policy is actively complied with and to create a climate in with there is an
awareness of the importance of health and safety:

b) Define areas of responsibility for safety where appropriate;

c) Maintain a set of codes of practice and procedures relating to health and safety;

d) Provide the necessary resources with which to pursue this policy;

e) Ensure that any person other than employees and volunteers is protected by this policy;

f) Ensure that employees and other persons affected by this policy are aware of it.

The company will encourage employees to examine this policy and take action or seek advice
appropriate to their situation. The company will be willing at any reasonable time to discuss any
aspects of the policy with all or any employees.
This policy will from time to time be reviewed and amended as necessary. Employees will be
kept informed of any amendments.

Employee Responsibilities

All employees have an important part to play in the operation of the Health and Safety Policy.
Every employee has a responsibility for ensuring that they:

a) Undertake the work they are required to do taking reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, their colleagues, visitors, customers, contractors and members of the public;

b) Use protective clothing and equipment when and where necessary;

c) Not interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety;

d) Report any incident to the management which may have led to injury or damage;

e) Give all assistance as required in the investigation of accidents;

f) Become familiar with and confirm to this policy and relevant safety instructions at all times;

g) Co-operate with the management in any efforts to comply with the Health and Safety at

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